“The Keys” by The Paper Cinema

In this live-animation action adventure, a girl races though an industrialised landscape to find her missing sister, whilst opening mysterious portals and uncovering the secrets of capitalisms destructive path from our past and into a possible future of climate destruction.


What if you could open a door to another place or time? Where would you go? Would you use this awesome power for your own gain or to protect our world from those that would exploit it?

With this project we are aiming to create an entertaining and daring vision of our world and to provoke debate about how our actions are endangering our very existence on planet Earth.

This piece has been our pet project that we’ve been dying to create for a while and we were able to develop some of the design aspects of the show through an ACE Emergency Funding grant in 2020.

As part of our ongoing R&D process, we will be partnering with Arts in Health South West as we begin explore how our unique style of audiovisual storytelling could reach diverse audiences.

We are now actively looking for venues and outreach organisations to partner with as well as seeking commissioning and producing partners so we can complete this exciting and original new work.

We’ve recently worked with filmmaker Joshua Gaunt to create a beautiful film version of our most recent show - an interpretation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth that is entirely free of dialogue! Please take a look here to get a sense of the work we’ve been producing lately.


email: chris@thepapercinema.com

phone: (+44) 07541 515096